Thursday, May 29, 2008

Brody's Fish

Brody's best buddy Logan gave him this fish tank for his birthday! It was the hit! Needless to say it was all he has talk about for months, because we told him he would have to wait until we moved to Maui to get a fish. Once we arrived, he had to set it up asap. So ,we did and we went to Walmart as soon as we could to buy fish....unfortunately, they died soon after. Brody had to learn the hard way that you can't hold fish like you can a kitty, turtle, gecko, or even dog. So, it was a very sad day for Brody. Need you folks worry, it wasn't long that we were back at Walmart buying another fish! He was so excited that he fell asleep next to the tank and his new fish....oh, Buddy! He now has learned fish NEED water to live.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Brody & Brooklyn's 1st friend on Maui

Well, we love our neighborhood. It is really nice and filled with lots of great people. Only two houses down lives Mikaela. She is three months older than Brooklyn. Her mom and dad go to Hope (our new church), in fact her dad use to be Hope Chapel's old youth pastor a year ago or so. Funny, huh? There are lots of people in our sub-division who go to Hope Chapel....when people ask us were do we, they reply, "Oh, that's the new Hope vill." All that to say Brody and Brooklyn LOVE their new friend. Brody calls her "mik-love" or girlfriend....I know don't get to worked up-Brody calls his sissy his girlfriend too. It has been so fun for the kids to play together.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Our little baby is no longer a baby.....but a little toddler with pigtails! (When did that happen I keep asking myself!) "Piggy-tails" as brother -aka Brody- would say. She looks too cute for words. It melts Brandon's heart every time he looks at her. Finally enough hair to do something with it! Very fun....this is our 3 day on Maui.