Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our New House Part 1

I am sure you have heard the amazing God story about our house. So these are photos of the house we are buying. We are excited to soon be in a home of our own again.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NANA & PAPA Came to Visit!

One day we decided to take Brandon's parents up country. Because they have been to Maui so many times, we thought we would show them some places they had not seen. Little did we know our trip to up -country would be such a long adventure! We began the day by stopping by the sugar cane museum....thinking it would be a free educational moment about Maui. Nope, our education cost $7 dollars per person to walk through three little rooms. But boy did we learn about Maui! We each walked out with a little packet of raw sugar like you get at Starbucks, hardly worth $7....pricey sugar uh? After the museum we headed on our way to up-country, but suddenly we were heard a really loud noise coming from under the car.... a flat tire! However, nothing would stop the Smiths! On the side of a country road, the boys replaced the flat with our spare and we were off once more! (I wish we had taken a photo of that!) In up-country we stopped at a cute store where we had elk buggers and hot dogs for lunch. (Brody's fav) It really is beautiful up there...another world. I think Brandon stopped the car every ten minutes and he and Laura got out to take photos. (Like mother like son...the whole photography thing runs in the family genes.) They got some great shots. I wish I had more room to post them here. We ended up going to the Lavender Farm were just Laura and I walked around the beautiful gardens, while the men stayed in the car with sleeping children. It was a nice quiet moment for us! The view was beautiful - we could see the other half of Maui. We ended the day,where else?, other then at good old Costco for new tires! There is nobody else we would have rather spent the day with, because we laugh so much when we are all together. Nana and Papa are such a joy to us! Beside, we love our adventures with them because we always end up having such funny stories to tell later!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Nap Time with Brody

One of the most specialfmoments I get to share with Brody, being a stay at home mom, is nap time. It is just us. Sissy is always asleep first, so Brody and I read, talk and just cuddle a bit before he nap. He always asks, "Mommy, can you stay with me a while...just a few minutes?" It is hard to say no to day we were just cuddling and talking and I was just staring at Brody thinking...."take a mental picture, he isn't going to be this little forever!" So i jumped up and took a real photo. He is the coolest & cutest little buddy ever! I am overwhelmed how blessed I am to share these moments. Thanks, God ,and thank you, Brandon!