Saturday, October 31, 2009

More Halloween....
Everyone hanging out.....I think the kids get frustrated sometimes because there are so many people we see and talk to-that it becomes stop go, stop stop, go. "come on mama & Dada we got candy to get"!!

Brookie's friend "lala" sledding down the grass...

One pooped out Tinker Bell!!

Halloween 2009

We have just gotten back from our trip to CA, and jump right into life on Maui. Party at pre-school and party in the neighborhood! Man, we have the coolest community. There are kids every where SO MUCH FUN! It kind of reminds me of the move E.T...but our neighborhood lacks an E.T. LOL!!

Peter Pan(aka: Brody), His sidekick Tinker Bell (aka: brookie) and a little lost boy (aka: baby braiden)

When we were in CA we went to our friends Matt & Kim's wedding....and here they are visiting us on Maui....honeymooners!!!! I was so fun to see them married!!! LOVE THEM.Brody's buddy Kade.....they are such BOYS together.
Kade was going to be captain hook but last minute change.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

San Diego Zoo With Nana & Papa

Oh man how i miss this place...this city. It was so much fun having babies in SD. I remember taking Brody when he was 7 months old to the zoo with our play date buddies. Now Brody is 4 in half and we live on a Island. We lived in a city with the two best zoo in the world and a really fun sea world! It was so awesome. We do the beach now....and let be honest it is not that bad!

Brody was sad he did not get picked to go up front and be a "trainer" for a 3 sec moment.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Good OlD Friends....

On our trip we got to hang with some of our dearest long time friends.....Ty & Sean (college 1999 & ministry) Jason & Melinda (2003 Magnolia church & neighbors) It was so fun to get all our children together...we all have three. Well Ty's was working on that...she was due any moment. These are people we have done ministry with, walk through good times and bad, they are people we know we can count on and understand ministry with us. They know us well, when you move away, you understand how nice that is to have history with friends. We pray hard that we will one day be blessed to do ministry with them again -Lord willing!

Noah (J&M) 6yrs
Logan (S&T) 4yrs
Brody (B&A)4 yrs

Kate (J&M)3yrs
Brookie (B&A) 2yrs
Payton (S&T) 2yrs

Blake (J&M) 1yrs
Braiden (B&A) 4 months
Cole (S&T) In ty tummy next to swing....anyday....

It was such a joy...little crazy, but so sweet. I am so thankful for how God works!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Cousin Time!!! :)
On our trip we got to see all our family....this is Brandon's Aunt Bev, Uncle Marco, and one of their daughters Krisha and her two little girls. It was so fun to see them again and get the kids together. Might i add it was one of those CA HOT DRY fall days....thank God for the trees!

Cousin Time!!

These are my cousin Shaunna kiddos who live in SD. When we lived in Del Mar we become very close...and my kids had "cousins"...They love playing together and I loved that they got to experience what it was like to have cousin and family close by to play with. We had so much fun Revisiting and spending the night at their house. Braiden met them for the first time!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Trip Home....Cal

Amy's Nana and Papa.
They have had a hard year. Right about the time i left nana health was not so great, but getting much better. Few months later Pap's health went down. To be blunt-his kidneys are done and he has been diagnosis with leukemia. He is a good man-always a hard worker & handy is a understatement. Something he ingrained & pasted down into my dad. They are Yoak men who work with their hands and have built so much and work so hard. When i was there we sat for a bit...but then he was up fixin' his little pond and hosing off his patio. I laughed inside..."that's were my dad gets that, they can sit still for too long." Nana and pap just moved in to a new place that they remodeled (with help) and are so proud. They were so excited to show us everything. It looks great. It was so good to see them. (Oh i miss them)

Mom & Dad at there was beautiful.

Brody and Braiden waking up together....
Cal sunrise...good to be home!
Finally going home after 18 months, needless to say a much need trip for all of us.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Baby braiden sleeping...

OUr LittLe Mit with dada! He is so sweet, and daddy is such a amazing dada!
4 1/2 months