Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Front Yard BBQ-Hawaiian style"

There is one thing I must explain about front yard BBQ's. When we first arrived in Maui Brandon and Puff noticed a 'local style' every party we saw seemed to be in the front yard! (On the main land we might call this behavior white trash...we here call it 'local style'!) Well, Uncle Puff was gone almost a month to CA and he is ALL about front yard BBQ's! So, when he returned, we had a little BBQ to welcome him home....but you all know when Brandon and Puff get their creative juices flowing there is always something to laugh at! We ended up with a BBQ pool party in the front yard!! I think we kept our 'pool' for 3 days! Ha! It was FUN!

1 comment:

Amanda Carver said...

NO!!! Okay front yard is one thing...but pool in the have taken this to a whole new level. I know some country folks here in VA that would be very into this style party!!!!