Friday, October 31, 2008

Batman & Robin!!!!! Halloween

We spent most of the morning in the doctor's office for the kids and myself. Not so much fun. Brody got two shots and Brookie five! But don’t you worry because Batman was in FULL costume at the Dr. office! Brookie was a bit lethargic, but warmed up later. It turned out to be a fun night. We had a bunch of friends over for real San Diego Mexican food…then off for trick -or -treating! We also were blessed to have Brandon’s Aunt Beth and Uncle Randy here for Halloween! It was so nice to have family with us on that night….Brookie just wanted to be held for an hour or so and Aunt Beth was just the Aunt! The street in our neighborhood was the place to be…children EVERYWHERE!!! Brandon kept telling me all night that this community reminds him of his childhood neighborhood when he was growing up. (Well his parents still live in the same house, but the neighborhood has changed because most of the kids have all grown up and moved away.) He was excited that Brody and Brookie get to have a similar experience. Brookie and Brody were so stinking cute and so excited about ringing door bells…..I will post those photos as soon as possible... with Brandon’s help!

1 comment:

Amanda Carver said...

Oh, how fun! They are so so cute. Cant believe it. And Amy, you look so pretty. It is so weird to see Beth and Randy in these pictures, cool they were able to be there. I love Robin's pig tails!
