Saturday, November 28, 2009

Braiden Being dedicated to the Lord:
These are the hard moments, but oh so sweet. What is hard is not having our family here...
you want it to be extraordinary special with them. You want to have someone else (parents) there to help you remember that sweet moment. Well, to God's great scene of humor i think this was my stepping stone to get over that! LOL! The morning was hectic-insane! I wanted the kids to be dressed up in cute matching outfits and Brandon did not like the outfits....then it moved onto the a 4 year old attitude who said he did not want to be there on stage...pill would be a understatement. Trying to reason to a 4 year old that it does not matter what he want, this was Braiden moment does not make any scene. In the car i was sad...sad on so many levels. Ok many still a bit postpartum...but sad.

Praise God He blessed me with a sound husband who can bring me back gently and still try to make me laugh. Reminding me that this morning is about loving our God and desiring to raise our last baby boy to know Jesus Christ as His friend, savior, and Lord. The church body to help do the save and hold us pray for us as we raise our children not only to be health, well mannered, good abiding citizen, but children who love Jesus. Cute outfits are nice too...ha ha!

Long of the short...Brody was a PILL on stage, brookie pulled her dress up to show the large congregation her underpants...yep as a mom...i wanted to die. But for braiden it was so sweet. Brandon picked the coolest verse for braiden and Our friend Ben (pastor young adult) did and awesome job introducing braiden and our senior pastor Craig pray over us. It was by far the best dedication out of all our kids. I learned that each dedication, baby shower, birthday party...what ever can not all be the same manufactured sweet moment. They may not always have the grandparents there. With three kids all so close together you NEVER know what you will get! You can ask God to give you grace, to help you let go of the expectation and let Him make it great. And He does...that how Big our God is. He gets me.

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